I'm having a problem using KeyTipService inside of a DocumentWindow. I don't know if the functionality is implemented in a way to make it possible, but would like some input.
Inside of a DocumentWindow, I would like to have a separate scope. If user press Alt/F10 while it has keyboard focus, I would like to have parts of my UI light up with Key tips in the same way as the ribbon does, but I don't want the ribbon tabs KeyTips to light up. If I go somewhere where I don't have a KeyTipScope, I want the ribbon to present tips. For example, being able to switch between tabs using KeyAccess would be convenient, rather than having to toggle through the Switcher.
I've tried putting a button with KeyTipText inside of a DocumentWindow, but it does not show up. I've also added KeyTipService.IsKeyTipScope on the usercontrol being presented in the DocumentWindow.
Is it possible to accomplish what I'm trying to do? Perhaps I haven't thought through the scenario well enough when it comes to what I really want to do, but for now I'm just checking on the possibilities.
Bjørnar Sundsbø