I have problem in connection with DocumentWindows and Forms controls. I am trying to host a third party forms control inside a DocumentWindow that is docked in a DockSite. The Forms control contains a splitter control and this splitter control is resized in the OnLoad() method. When using ActiPro for this, there is always an InvalidOperationException thrown by the WPF Dispatcher ("Dispatcher processing has been suspended, but messages are still being processed").
I tried setting the child of the WindowsFormsHost after the DocumentWindow was created. But nothing seems to have an effect. As soon as the forms control becomes visible (and the OnLoad method is called) the exception is thrown. The ActiPro version and the .NET version do not seem to have any influence. The exception is thrown no matter what the versions were.
When I tried to rebuild the same thing with pure WPF without ActiPro and without Docksite but with a new window instead, the Forms control did not make any problems.
Do you have any idea why this happening and how a solution might look like?
Tanks in advance.