In a standard installation, where if the Code Writer 'exe' file stored ? I would like to make Code Writer my editor for Unity scripts. To do so i need to show Unity where the Code Writer exe file is,
In a standard installation, where if the Code Writer 'exe' file stored ? I would like to make Code Writer my editor for Unity scripts. To do so i need to show Unity where the Code Writer exe file is,
Hi Alex,
Since Code Writer is based on Microsoft's Universal Windows Platform, it doesn't install with a .exe like Win32 apps do. Microsoft handles the installation of the app, and they generally hide it in system folders like other UWP Windows Store apps.
Code Writer does support protocol activation though. See the documentation for info on that. You might be able to use that syntax to open a file from the command line. The only thing is that UWP apps might require you to have already opened the file once through a dialog before we are permitted by Windows to access it. This is because UWP apps are all security sandboxed and safe.
I'll look into that
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