Posted 6 years ago
by Actipro Software Support
- Cleveland, OH, USA

A new maintenance release of the Universal Windows Controls is now available.
Detailed Update List
- Updated bar charts to pass the XYDataPoint as data context into the BarTemplate.
- Added the 'Close Tab Group' menu item to tabbed MDI document tab context menus.
- Added the DockSiteLayoutSerialization.CanKeepExistingDocumentWindowsOpen property that can be set to true to keep open document windows that were open prior to a document layout deserialization, even if they aren't in the deserialized layout data.
- Added automation IDs to all menu items.
- Updated TabbedMdiContainer to ensure that activating an already-selected tab makes it fully-visible.
- Fixed a bug where a splitter drag bar could be kept visible in a certain scenario when not using live splitting.
- Improved the target size logic of the DockingWindow.MoveToNewHorizontalContainer and MoveToNewVerticalContainer methods.
- Improved docking window breadcrumb tracking logic.
- Updated the UIA peers for docking window tabs to provide access to embedded buttons.
- Updated edit box text copied to the clipboard to remain on the clipboard after app exit.
- Updated edit boxes that increment Double values to snap to the nearest decimal place indicated by the increment amount.
- Updated MaskedTextBox's regex patterns to support empty strings.
- Updated the default MonthCalendar.DayItemTemplate property value to support day number display for various calendars.
- Updated MonthCalendar logic to better handle display of various calendars.
- Improved how MaskedTextBox handles invalid input.
- Fixed a bug where Enum-related controls weren't supporting localized string resources for DisplayAttribute values.
- Fixed a bug where EnumListBox didn't handle ulong-based flags enumerations properly.
- Updated filtering logic to better handle the OnExpansion tree item children query mode.
- Updated some item adapter logic to not execute if there is a null TreeListBox.RootItem.
- Updated focus handling code to not move focus when various TreeListView item updates occur while focus is within a column header.
- Fixed a bug introduced in the previous build where certain number pad keys might not work in property value editors.
- Fixed a bug where the TreeListBox.SelectionChanged event could get raised twice.
- Fixed a bug where the TreeListBoxItem.OnPointerPressed method could throw an exception.
- Fixed a UI bug in a certain scenario where a TreeListBox data item's children were populated as it was expanded.
- Added UI automation peers.
- Added the TreeListBox.ExpandAll and CollapseAll methods.
- Updated several language add-on token tagger classes to better support syntax highlighting for other merged languages.
- Updated text copied to the clipboard to remain on the clipboard after app exit.
- Improved collapsible region highlighting logic.
LL(*) Parser Framework
- Updated the IParserState.ReportError method to allow a higher-level parse error to overwrite an existing parse error at the same text position.
.NET Languages Add-on
- Improved IntelliPrompt when typing within lambda expressions.
- Fixed a bug where calling TextSnapshotReader.PeekTokenReverse at the end of a snapshot might not retain the document end token.
- Added the TaskBoard.ColumnDragOver and CardDragOver events that fire as columns and cards are dragged over target columns/cards, allowing certain targets to be programmatically blocked.
Actipro Software Support