Posted 6 years ago
by Carlton Craighead
Please consider a property that allows one to set the LineNumberMargin back color. Thanks.
Please consider a property that allows one to set the LineNumberMargin back color. Thanks.
If you run our main SDI Editor sample and click the "Renderer" radio button on the upper right, you'll see the renderer used to draw the control. The LineNumberMarginBackground can be set to a BackgroundFill with a different color there.
Thanks. After reviewing the sample and reading the doc on renderers, and since I just need a global change, I was able to use this code to change the line number margin...
var r = (VisualStudio2005SyntaxEditorRenderer)SyntaxEditor1.RendererResolved;
((SolidColorBackgroundFill)r.LineNumberMarginBackgroundFill).Color = Color.FromArgb(240, 240, 240);
Appreciate the help.
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