Is there any support to adjust the line spacing, as in making it a little tighter veritcally so more lines can be visible? Thanks.
Is there any support to adjust the line spacing, as in making it a little tighter veritcally so more lines can be visible? Thanks.
Hi Carlton,
There is a MinimumDisplayLineHeight property you can set to be lower. But even set lower, the vertical size won't tighten until you reduce the FontSize as well. You'd need to do both to tighten it up.
Thank you. I was already using Segoe UI Mono 9pt, which is the desired font. I've tried many settings of MinimumDisplayLineHeight and do not see any change. Are we sure this proeprty is functional?
It would be useful to have tighter line space. Please contrast with a competing product I used with a different development tool -- note the default vertical spacing --
If links are removed, find it here: www bitworks2000 dot com / temp / de-linespacing.png
The SyntaxEditor is the right part of the image. It's not an earth-shattering requirement, but would be handy.
I've now tried it with the latest version from last month. I do not see the line spacing change with any setting. Thanks.
Hi Carlton,
It measures line heights by taking the font height reported by .NET and possibly adding a pixel margin above/below for things like borders. The maximum of that result and MinimumDisplayLineHeight are what determine the resolved line height.
That being said, we've seen that Segoe fonts in the past have added excess spacing above the glyphs so their font heights tend to be larger than other fonts. For instance, if you reduced the MinimumDisplayLineHeight to 10, the Segoe font might still be keeping the line taller. If you switch to something like "Courier New" then I'd expect a jump to shorter lines than what you see with Segoe since that font doesn't report much excess whitepace in its height. To sum up, I'd probably recommend a different font than a Segoe one.
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