Posted 6 years ago
by Actipro Software Support
- Cleveland, OH, USA

A new maintenance release of the Universal Windows Controls is now available.
Detailed Update List
- Added the PieSeries.SliceToolTipFormat, SliceToolTipFunc, ChildSliceToolTipFormat, and ChildSliceToolTipFunc properties, which can be used to supply pie slice tooltips.
- Updated stacked charts to show each data point's actual value in the label instead of the stacked value.
- Fixed a rendering bug when plotting charts for a single date/time axis unit range.
- Added UIA peers for the standard switcher and its items.
- Added a virtual DockSite.ProcessDockHostKeyDown method that is called when a key is pressed while focus is within a DockHost.
- Updated the workspace's layout logic to account for contained docking window minimum and maximum sizes.
- Updated floating dock hosts without MDI to use the minimum size of the docked tool windows.
- Updated layout serialization to save breadcrumb creation times.
- Updated AdvancedTabControl to ensure the selected tab remains visible in tab overflow scenarios when the control is resized smaller.
- Improved the can-execute logic for the DockingWindow.FloatCommand.
- Improved the tracking of breadcrumbs for floating windows.
- Fixed a bug where the AdvancedTabControl highlight brushes might not be updated correctly in a certain scenario.
- Added the ColorEditBox.IsInitialValueComparedOnPopup property that determines whether the initial value is compared to the current value on the picker popup.
- Added the ColorPicker.ComparisonValue and IsComparisonValueVisible properties that support a comparison color.
- Added the HsbColorPicker.ComparisonValue and IsComparisonValueVisible properties that support a comparison color.
- Improved DoubleEditBox and SingleEditBox to better support very small numbers.
- Improved DoublePicker and SinglePicker to better support very small numbers.
- Improved MaskedTextBox input logic to allow typing anywhere in the leading prompt characters.
- Updated GradientStopSlider to return a default width when measured with infinite width.
- Fixed a MaskedTextBox bug where pressing Backspace after the first character might not delete it.
- Updated the UIA peers for edit boxes.
- Fixed a bug introduced in a previous build where the MonthCalendar's decade view could throw an exception.
- Fixed several MonthCalendar scenarios where non-Gregorian calendars could throw an exception.
- Added the TreeListViewColumn.CellVerticalAlignment property, which defaults to Center and allows for configuring how content in the column's cells aligns vertically.
- Updated TreeListBox to recursively search the tree for filter results as appropriate when the TreeItemChildrenQueryMode.OnExpansion option is used and TreeListBox.AutoExpandItemsOnFilter is set. In lazy-load scenarios where there are large load times (e.g. database or file system access), keep the AutoExpandItemsOnFilter property false when filtering to prevent initial display performance.
- Improved the performance of handling some external updates to collections being edited inline.
- Fixed a bug where updating a collection being edited inline by PropertyGrid wouldn't properly dispose removed property models.
- Fixed a bug where new collection items in PropertyGrid might not appear read-only when the PropertyGrid.IsReadOnly property is set to true.
Micro Charts
- Fixed a bug where passing integer values instead of doubles to a MicroWinLossSeries.ItemsSource could throw an exception.
- Updated CompletionSession so that when auto-completing without the popup showing, it raises the Opened event in addition to the Closed event that was already raised.
- Added the IServiceLocator.SyncRoot property, and updated SyntaxLanguage to be thread-safe for registering and unregistering services.
- Fixed a bug with code snippet template session selection adjustment in a certain scenario.
.NET Languages Add-on
- Improved lock access to the assembly repository across multiple threads.
Python Language Add-on
- Fixed an outlining bug that could occur with elif statements.
Actipro Software Support