I have a simple MicroXYChart in my application:
<actichart:MicroXYChart><actichart:MicroLineSeries ItemsSource="{Binding AlgGain_ProfileForGraph}" MarkerVisibility="All" /></actichart:MicroXYChart>
It's in a ToolWindow of a Docking/MDI application. When I resize my entire application down to "0" (i.e. grab the lower-right of the window and drag all the way to the top-left, making it as small as it can be), then slowly start expanding, I often get a System.ArgumentException: 'Object must be of type UInt32.' The stack trace shows that it's coming from ActiproSoftware.MicroCharts.Wpf.dll!ActiproSoftware.Windows.Controls.MicroCharts.MicroXYDataPointCollectionView.Initialize().
Here's the bulk of the stacktrace: (link removed)
Here's a video showing how to cause it: (link removed)
Note: it doesn't happen every single time, sometimes you have to do the resizing several times before it does - but it doesn't take very many tries. It seems to happen more reliably when you expand the window slowly.
[Modified 3 years ago]