WinForms Controls 2020.1 build 402 Maintenance Release

Announcements Forum

Posted 4 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

A new maintenance release of the WinForms Controls is now available. 

Detailed Update List

Docking & MDI

  • Improved the rendering of images and glyphs in high DPI.
  • Added the TabStripRenderer.CanAutoScaleImages property, which defaults to true and determines if tab images are auto-scaled in high-DPI.


  • Updated the CollectionTagger.Clear method to accurately report the changed text range in the TagsChanged event when there are fewer than 100 tags being removed. Otherwise, the entire snapshot range is returned as before.
  • Updated the virtual CodeSnippetSelectionSession.OnCompletionSessionInitializing method to perform sorting and be called after items have been added to the session, so that completion items and/or sorting can be customized prior to opening.
  • Updated touch taps over a collapsed outlining node to select the node's text range.
  • Added a setter for the SyntaxEditor.BorderColor property.
  • Added a ThreadedParseRequestDispatcher constructor overload that allows for altering the thread priority.
  • Improved the caret and selection moving speed on long lines.
  • Improved the completion list and NavigableSymbolSelector rendering in high DPI scenarios.
  • Adjusted the order of logic that executes when the SyntaxEditor.Document property is set.
  • Fixed a bug where the caret didn't track properly on extremely long lines.
  • Fixed a bug where collapsed region adornments may flicker when a SyntaxEditor with word wrap enabled would resize.
  • Fixed a bug where a collapsed region adornment that was word wrapped to the start of another view line would show a duplicate expander box in the outlining margin.
  • Fixed a bug where a collapsed region adornment that was word wrapped to the start of another view line would show its quick info in the wrong location.
  • Fixed a bug where caret movement didn't work properly around a collapsed region adornment at the end of a document.
  • Fixed a bug where the current line highlight bounds included any intra-line adornments.
  • Fixed a bug where a code snippet without any SnippetTypes specified should have been allowed anywhere.
  • Fixed a bug where using the mouse to commit a code snippet selection session might not focus the view afterward.
  • Fixed a bug where font fallback didn't always work properly for some fonts on systems with certain cultures.
  • Fixed a bug where the selection in a non-active view of the current document didn't always update properly.
  • Fixed a bug where IntelliPrompt popups in a split view might not show in the correct location.
  • Updated the Language Designer application.
.NET Languages Add-on
  • Fixed a bug where the resolver wasn't properly resolving interpolated string expressions.
  • Fixed a bug where C# event accessor declarations didn't support lambda expression bodies.


  • Improved the WinUICore framework to call its MouseDown events with HandledMouseEventArgs.
  • Improved the rendering of OwnerDrawMenuItem images and glyphs in high DPI.
  • Added the OwnerDrawMenuItem.CanAutoScaleImage property, which defaults to true and determines if images are auto-scaled in high-DPI.

Actipro Software Support