I'm trying to use the wizard demo in an app being written using vs2008 orcas beta 2 (using the vm version of beta 2) targetting .net 3.5
First I notice what I assume is an error in the documentation. The getting started page has 2 properties that don't appear to exist for the wizard, BackwardProgressTransitionType ForwardProgressTransitionType. I assume that the only way to setup transistions is to use the TransitionSelector property as in the sample?
While on the subject of transitions, is there any documentation or samples on using them with your own controls?
The sample program builds fine using beta 2 but crashes when you try to run it. Oddly, if you run it in the debugger it runs fine. Beta 2 didn't like the following attribute on Window.xaml but removing it didn't change the behavior:
I looked over the wizard xaml to see if there was anything vs didn't like in there but it looks like it's happy (until you go to run it anyway)
Also, the constant popping up of the demo message box makes beta 2 very unstable. I've had it crash about 5 times in the past 30 minutes, usually when trying to build/run or build/debug. Your demo dialog shows, and vs will then crash (sometimes giving an error in the error list window about calling into a closed AppDomain before it blows up).
First I notice what I assume is an error in the documentation. The getting started page has 2 properties that don't appear to exist for the wizard, BackwardProgressTransitionType ForwardProgressTransitionType. I assume that the only way to setup transistions is to use the TransitionSelector property as in the sample?
While on the subject of transitions, is there any documentation or samples on using them with your own controls?
The sample program builds fine using beta 2 but crashes when you try to run it. Oddly, if you run it in the debugger it runs fine. Beta 2 didn't like the following attribute on Window.xaml but removing it didn't change the behavior:
I looked over the wizard xaml to see if there was anything vs didn't like in there but it looks like it's happy (until you go to run it anyway)
Also, the constant popping up of the demo message box makes beta 2 very unstable. I've had it crash about 5 times in the past 30 minutes, usually when trying to build/run or build/debug. Your demo dialog shows, and vs will then crash (sometimes giving an error in the error list window about calling into a closed AppDomain before it blows up).