We've recently upgraded out SyntaxEditor from a version roughly ten years ago to current.
In our previous version, we could set the background color of collapsed outlining nodes by simply setting the BackColor of the document lines.
That's not a thing any more, and now we set background color in general with a tagger and a style registry.
The problem is the background color of the tagger/style registry for the uncollapsed text is not being maintained by the collapsed outlining nodes, which seem to just keep the default background color.
I can see that there are ways to set the collapsed outlining node background color explicitly, but that doesn't quit get me what I need.
My tagged text has different background colors based on what they've been tagged for, so I need the collapsed nodes to have that same color, as a quick visual indicator to the user about the classification of the content in the node.
For the sake of explanation, let's say one color represents a "warning" and another color represents an "error". I need to draw different visual attention to each of these, beyond just the collapsed text, so that users can quickly identify the content.
Is there a way to do that?
Failing specifically being able to do that, is there another method by which I can change something about individual collapsed outlining nodes to achieve a result that indicates to the user the classification of the collapsed content?