WPF Controls v21.1 Released

Announcements Forum

Posted 3 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

A major new version of the Actipro WPF controls is now available.  This version moves to slightly higher minimum .NET versions, adds new online documentation, and adds a new open-source WPF-Controls GitHub repository that contains all our documentation topic, sample, and other related code.

Detailed Update List


  • Updated the label collision logic.


  • Updated ThemedDataGrid to properly render an inactive selection.


  • Fixed a bug where the theme's default font family and size weren't passed to non-hosted auto-hide popups.
  • Fixed a bug in AdvancedTabControl where reordering a tab wouldn't always ensure the dragged tab was fully visible afterward.
  • Fixed a bug in SplitContainerPanel.MeasureOverride where it didn't always properly return the desired size.
  • Fixed a bug where a target floating window might not be brought to the front when using drag float previews.
  • Fixed a bug where the focused docking window might not be correct after completing a window drag.
  • Fixed a bug where tool window container gripper dots might not render in the correct color after a theme change.


  • Added the AutoCompleteBox.TextAlignment property.
  • Updated each edit box to have a default AllowDrop of true, and to bind the AllowDrop property to the embedded TextBox.
  • Updated numeric edit boxes to not round values when incrementing and the related SmallChange or LargeChange is zero.
  • Fixed a bug where TimeEditBox bound to a null value could still show a time when loaded.


  • Added the Toolbox demo.
  • Improved TreeListBox so that when turning off filtering, all ancestor nodes of currently-selected nodes will remain expanded.
  • Fixed a bug where programmatically selecting a TreeListBox node that isn't yet visible could add extra nodes when it is later made visible.
  • Fixed a bug where the PropertyGrid didn't show an inactive selection when unfocused.
  • Fixed a couple bugs in the Dictionary Data Factory QuickStart caused by recent PropertyModel class changes.


  • Updated the UIA tree to include the Backstage's close button.
  • Fixed a bug in how the small SplitButton template recognized when the mouse was over its button portion.
  • Fixed a bug where a resource not found exception could occur in a certain scenario when no Actipro theme had been set in app startup.
  • Fixed a bug where screen tips wouldn't show for controls on the mini-toolbar.
  • Fixed a bug where a clicked PopupButton on a Ribbon ContextMenu would prevent mouse tracking on the parent ContextMenu.


  • Improved performance when refreshing shell object children in a certain scenario.
  • Improved the Custom Shell Objects QuickStart to demonstrate more advanced features.


  • Added features so the macro recording mechanism can be customized. Updates include a new IMacroAction interface, making our default MacroRecording object public, adding a virtual SyntaxEditor.CreateMacroRecording method, and more.
  • Added the SyntaxEditor.ViewActionExecuting event that is raised immediately before an edit action occurs within an editor view, allowing the action to be canceled.
  • Improved exception reporting for an invalid dynamic lexer regular expression pattern range.
  • Fixed a bug in the handling of a SyntaxEditor.HighlightingStyleRegistry property change.
  • Fixed a bug where an exception could be thrown in a certain scenario when programmatically collapsing outlining nodes.
  • Removed the optional ANTLR and Irony integration samples from the installer due to the related add-ons being deprecated. Contact our support team if you need them.
.NET Languages Add-on
  • Fixed a bug where an outer type's members could incorrectly appear in the IntelliPrompt completion list in a certain scenario.


  • Updated how the styles for ComboBox, ListBox, and ListView handle grouping.
  • Updated how ThemeManager watches the system theme settings.
  • Updated the ThemeGenerator logic.
  • Fixed a bug introduced in a prior build where the Window used to render a WindowChrome shadow could throw an exception after a particular theme change scenario.


  • Fixed a bug where the AdvancedTextBlock.HasToolTipOnOverflow property wasn't disabling the tooltip properly.


  • Validated .NET 5 compatibility.
  • Updated .NET Core assemblies to target .NET Core 3.1 instead of .NET Core 3.0.
  • Updated .NET Framework assemblies to target .NET Framework 4.5.2 instead of .NET Framework 4.0.
  • Modernized offline documentation, and introduced online documentation on the Actipro web site.
  • Created a new 'WPF-Controls' GitHub repository with the full source of documentation topics, samples, and other code.

About WPF Controls

WPF Studio / WPF Essentials Licensing

You can purchase our WPF controls individually if you wish however you have the option to purchase all of them in the WPF Studio bundle. Purchasing the bundle saves over 60% over purchasing all the WPF controls individually.

The WPF Essential bundle saves over 45% over purchasing its bundled controls separately.

That's some incredible savings!

WPF Studio Benefits

All WPF control licenses automatically include a free subscription for a year of free upgrades to any new versions that are released. At the end of the year, you may renew your license for another year to keep the free upgrade benefits active.

In addition, if you own a WPF Studio license, you are automatically eligible to receive free licenses for any new WPF control products added to WPF Studio that come out within your year period. This benefit does not apply to WPF Essentials customers.

Evaluation Download

You can download an evaluation of all our WPF controls from this page:


Upgrade to WPF Studio

Contact our sales team for information on discounted pricing for upgrading from one of our older WPF control product licenses to a license for WPF Studio, WPF Essentials, or a new version of a WPF control product.

Free Upgrades

If you own an older WPF Studio version or one of its products and would like to upgrade to this latest version, please click the request a free upgrade link on your organization account page's 'Purchases and Licenses' tab. The link will appear there if your upgrade eligibility is active.

Actipro Software Support