I have many points in LineSeries in XYChart, so when I move a mouse around several labels appear simultaneously and obscure each other:
Is it possible to make the graph show only one label at the same time? I see that labels on points appear within some distance around the cursor, and this is OK for me, what I want to have is to show label only for the nearest point within this distance, and not for all of them.
XAML for the graph is:
<charts:XYChart Background="White"
GridLineMajorVisibility="Y" GridLineMinorVisibility="Y">
<charts:XYDoubleAxis Name="AxisX" Title="x" Minimum="0"/>
<charts:XYDoubleAxis Name="AxisY" Title="y" Minimum="0"/>
<charts:LineSeries LineKind="Spline"
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=DiagramData}" XPath="X" YPath="Y"