TabControl Grouping like Chrome

Docking/MDI for WPF Forum

Posted 3 years ago by Dan Hutt
Version: 21.1.3


I'm currently checking the feasibility of the tab controls included with ActiPro WPF Controls. 

My current investigation is to see if my software can replicate the tab grouping behavior that is included in Chrome. From what I can see, the TabbedMdi host does everything I want except the ability to select multiple tabs and the ability to group them in the way I want. I can group the tool windows which have their own tab wells, but I want just one window that has groups within it. The behavior is similar to a 'dummy' tab that acts like a folder for other tabs, and when selected the inner tabs are shown.

Thanks for any insight you may have,


Comments (3)

Posted 3 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Hi Dan,

Our AdvancedTabControl doesn't currently support collapse of multiple tabs into a "group" element, such as what is in Chrome.  I'll log that as a feature suggestion.

Our product will let you have multiple tabs within a container and each container can be dragged around, with functionality that is on par with what you have available in Visual Studio.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 3 years ago by Dan Hutt

Thank you. I'm having a discussion with our designers to see if we can get something to work with the current grouping functionality. I'm starting to wonder if the TreeListBox with a horizontal stack panel as the itemspanel could fit our use case. I imagine I could set the content of an unrelated control based on what is selected in the TreeListbox.

Thanks for your response.

Posted 3 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

Hi Dan,

TreeListBox uses a vertical (default) VirtualizingStackPanel in its ItemsPanelTemplate.  You might be able to switch to using a Horizontal Orientation on that. 

However, please note that may break the TreeListBoxItem drag/drop code since I don't believe it's considering any orientation changes right now and is designed for vertical display.  Also default key handling might be odd in that scenario since keys like Up/Down navigate items, while Left/Right collapse/expand items.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.3) was released 27 days ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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