Posted 2 years ago by Ethem Acar
Version: 22.1.1
Platform: .NET 6.0
Environment: Windows 10 (64-bit)

For some reason first dragstart of Window lags, in my test I use the delivered Actipro WPF Theme Designer to reproduce watch this:

I'm actually dragging it but it lags, feels like it first tries to "Get focus" and then starts the drag action. Seems like a bug (bit annoying too when you switch between windows and try to drag&drop fast).

You can actually see there is 1-2ms delay when you click on a window to gain focus:

Comments (1)

Answer - Posted 2 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA


Hmmm, I'm not seeing those things happen here.  Note that to support window resizing outside of the main Window's bounds, we have to display a second WPF Window that supports resize hit-testing and renders the outer shadow in Windows 10 and earlier.  This is the same technique Visual Studio and Office have used for years.

I wonder if something related to that second Window is causing the slight delay here for you.  If you switch to using one of our older Aero themes (you need to reference the Aero theme assembly), those do not use this outer shadow technique.  You could see if that makes any different in performance.

Another thing you could try is using a performance profiler to see if you can pin down where the delay occurs at run-time in your app when running through these scenarios.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.3) was released 9 days ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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