I need the ARGB of color picker to show and output RGBA hex values. Is this possible?
It's easy to convert the color picker value to RGBA, but I want it to show RGBA as well
I need the ARGB of color picker to show and output RGBA hex values. Is this possible?
It's easy to convert the color picker value to RGBA, but I want it to show RGBA as well
Hi Brian,
Just to make sure we're on the same page, are you referring to the ColorEditBox control or the ColorPicker control, or a different one?
I'm using the ColorEditBox, but am up for different options
Hi Brian,
If you make a class that inherits ColorEditBox, you will have to do several things.
If you do those things, I think the edit box portion should work.
You'd may also have clone our default ColorPicker control Style and make a tweaked one for your needs if the default one won't work. You can then assign your custom Style to the editBox.PopupPickerStyle property.
I hope that helps!
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