Hi, I wanted to ask how to implement the ContextualTabGroup appearance (atleast portion of it) in the ribbon when migrating from a very old version of Actipro (10.1.0521). I understand that when switching to version 20.1, the visualization of these groups, or their rendering in the TitleBar, changed fundamentally.
But I wanted to ask, is there any purpose of setting property Color (or Label) for ContextualTabGroup?
If not, that means, for example, that ControlTemplate of Tab would have to be slightly adjusted - like propagating the Color of the ContextualTabGroup to Tab ControlTemplate (Foreground or Background) or is there any better solution?
PS: Currently, I am only aware that Tabs in ContextualTabGroups have their own foreground color (RibbonContextualTabItemForegroundNormalBrushKey), which does not distinguish between different ContextualTabGroups.