Posted 20 years ago
by Jan van de Pol
In my application it is possible to load different type of expressions. Each expression type has it's own Syntaxeditor language. Each language however has the capability of encapsulating a VBExpression between '{' and '}'. For syntaxchecking it uses the VBDotNet.xml syntax language file. The following function adds the VB language to an existing language.My problem is when entering '{{' which must not start a VBExpression but interpreted as an escaped single '{'. The parser is already correct about this behaviour, but I can't get editor to not switch to VB mode. Anyone have a suggestion?
In my application it is possible to load different type of expressions. Each expression type has it's own Syntaxeditor language. Each language however has the capability of encapsulating a VBExpression between '{' and '}'. For syntaxchecking it uses the VBDotNet.xml syntax language file. The following function adds the VB language to an existing language.
private static void AddEmbeddedVBNet( SyntaxLanguage language )
SyntaxLanguage lngVB = LoadLanguage( "VBDotNet.xml" );
AddReferenceTriggers( lngVB );
language.IsUpdating = true;
// Add a highlighting style
language.HighlightingStyles.Add( new HighlightingStyle( "ExpressionDelimiterStyle", null, Color.Black, Color.Yellow, false, false, false ) );
// Create a new lexical state
LexicalState defaultState = new LexicalState( "ExpressionDirectiveState" );
defaultState.DefaultTokenKey = "ExpressionDirectiveDefaultToken";
defaultState.DefaultHighlightingStyle = language.HighlightingStyles[ "DefaultStyle" ];
defaultState.LexicalStateTransitionLexicalState = lngVB.LexicalStates[ "DefaultState" ];
language.LexicalStates.Add( defaultState );
// Add the new lexical state at the beginning of the child states...
// Remember that with an NFA regular expression, the first match is taken...
// So since a < scope pattern is already in place, we must insert the new one before it
language.LexicalStates[ "DefaultState" ].ChildLexicalStates.Insert( 0, defaultState );
// Create a lexical scope with a lexical state transition
LexicalScope lexicalScope = new LexicalScope();
defaultState.LexicalScopes.Add( new LexicalScope() );
defaultState.LexicalScopes[0].StartLexicalPatternGroup =
new LexicalPatternGroup( LexicalPatternType.Explicit, "ExpressionStartToken",
language.HighlightingStyles[ "ExpressionDelimiterStyle" ], "{" );
defaultState.LexicalScopes[0].EndLexicalPatternGroup =
new LexicalPatternGroup(LexicalPatternType.Explicit, "ExpressionEndToken",
language.HighlightingStyles["ExpressionDelimiterStyle"], "}" );
language.IsUpdating = false;