Posted 17 years ago
by Leif Zars
Version: 4.0.0261
Platform: .NET 3.0
Environment: Windows Vista (64-bit)
I am having some issues with intellisense not popping up or popping up with bad info.
How to reproduce:
#Open your VB Test app
#run the .Net Reflection Demo
#add the Reference BCAM.CCE.Data found at
#Replace the code in "AnotherInheritedControl.vb" withjust put a period after each of the Calls in sub T and you will see the differences.
Also let me know when you have downloaded that zip so i can remove it.
fyi ComponentReference should have a property called Quantity.
Thanks Leif
How to reproduce:
#Open your VB Test app
#run the .Net Reflection Demo
#add the Reference BCAM.CCE.Data found at
#Replace the code in "AnotherInheritedControl.vb" with
Imports System
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Windows.Forms
imports BCAM.CCE.Data.V1
Namespace TestApplication.SyntaxEditorIntelliPrompt
Public Class AnotherInheritedControl
Public Sub T
'Tests 1 2 and 3
' 3 shouldn't work
'2 should work but doesn't
End Sub
Public Function Materialx() As ComponentReference
End Function
Public Function Material(ID As Integer) As ComponentReference
End Function
End Class
End Namespace
Also let me know when you have downloaded that zip so i can remove it.
fyi ComponentReference should have a property called Quantity.
Thanks Leif