Evaluating syntax editor

SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms Forum

Posted 17 years ago by tzahi jakubovitz
Version: 4.0.0262
1)does SyntaxEditor support Right-to-Left languages (Hebrew in particular).

2)Our reqirements are to build an irregular language that will be created by power users.
It has some peculiar constructs like:

a.Instead of denoting a field as "person.firstName", it will be "firstName of person"
b.if there is function like "int sum(int first,int second)" that in normal language will be called "total = sum(meatSales, fruitSales) " it will be called in this language " total is sum of meatSales and fruitSales".
(There are other constructs like this, but if we can solve these, I belive we can solve the rest.)

Is it possible to define a syntax that will enable SyntaxEditor to support this language with all its features like autoCompletion etc.

3)Is it possible for SyntaxEditor parser to generate c# code for this special language.

Tzahi & Lou

Comments (5)

Posted 17 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

1) Sorry but it doesn't support right-to-left editing.

2) Our grammar is capable of really supporting any sort of construct. You define the grammar and the AST information and use tokens/AST info to determine what to populate in member lists. So yes you could accomplish that sort of grammar.

3) Do you mean converting it from you special language back to C#? If so, our grammar generates an AstVisitor class that you may be able to use to do this. It implements the visitor pattern and you could convert it back to C# as you walk the tree.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 17 years ago by Jason Sobell
The right-to-left thing is a real hassle for us.
We're just about to replace the editor for all our tag editing features because our largest customer (MSFT) want to edit text in many languages, some being R-L, but the SyntaxEditor screws up, flipping text around when highlighted and displaying some L-R and some R-L.

Could someone spend some time looking into this? It appears partly implemented by the underlying components/OS, but only enough to make it extremely confusing!

Posted 17 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Hi Jason,

Do you mean that you need Bidi support where some text flows left-to-right and other portions go right-to-left? Or do you mean you just need everything right-to-left in certain cases?

Actipro Software Support

Posted 17 years ago by Jason Sobell

Everything going right-to-left is all we require.
I appreciate that this is not a WP component, so expecting to be able to switch mid-document is a little much to ask, but support of the standard 'RightToLeft' property in the component base class would be ideal.

Posted 16 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Hi, I just wanted to follow up post on this. We have successfully integrated right-to-left bi-directional text into the WPF version of our SyntaxEditor control that we're working on.

More info here:
SyntaxEditor for WPF will support bi-directional text (Arabic, etc.)

This is just for our WPF version (not released yet) but we may try and include similar techniques down the road with our WinForms version too.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.1) was released 3 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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