I built a quick and dirty theme browser, so that you can visually see what keys are available and what their values are. I figured I'd share the code. It creates a button with the background set to each brush.
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Media;
using ActiproSoftware.Windows.Themes;
namespace Vector
public partial class TestWindow
public TestWindow()
foreach (string group in ThemeManager.GetGroupsForTheme(ThemeManager.CurrentTheme))
var dictionary = ThemeManager.GetResourceDictionary(ThemeManager.CurrentTheme, group);
foreach (var merged in dictionary.MergedDictionaries)
foreach (var item in merged.Keys)
var key = item as ResourceKey;
if (key != null)
Target.Children.Add(new Button() { Background = dictionary[key] as Brush, Content = key.ToString() });