Posted 17 years ago
by Truls Gartland
Gartland Systemutvikling

I'm planning to use the Docking mechanism as follows:
- In my MainView of the application I have a Root 'DockingManager' that hosts only the Document-type control and show a Tab pr. Document. This is the same as the tabs in Excel, the tabs showing the code panes in VS, etc. Each such Document is a Desktop.
- A Desktop will itself host a 'DockingManager' and allow as many dockable ToolWindows as required by the user. Each ToolWindow corresponds to a View (an abstract term in our design for now).
- So, we can have multiple Desktops in the MainView, each holding several Views where each View is docked and can be undocked and redocked in the standard way as the Docking mechanism supports.
- I would like to display the TabStrip for the docked Desktops at the bottom. Will this be possible?
- Can Desktops in the root TabStrip be interactivly reordered (not docked/redocked or floated, only reordered as with tabs in Excel)?
- Can I create a new View that is undocked/floating?
- Can I dock a View that previously was docked in "Desktop 1" into "Desktop 2" by first undocking/floting it, selecting the "Desktop 2" tab and then docking it there? My tests with the Beta25 could not do this. The View could not be moved when another Desktop was selected/activated. Also, this must not interfer with the root 'DockingManager' for the Desktops.