I have a class:
public MyPropertyClass MyPropertyName //MyProperty
... //set, get
I create property editor and add to PropertyGrid.PropertyEditors :
PropertyEditor pe = new PropertyEditor();
pe.PropertyName = "MyPropertyName";
pe.PropertyType = typeof(MyPropertyClass);
pe.ValueTemplate = MyPropertyTemplate;
propertyGrid.SelectedObject = new EditableInPropertyGirdClass();
MyPropertyTemplate has a button
<Button Grid.Column="1" Click="Button_Click" />
After Click a button(Button_Click) I`d like show my own window to property edit.
Question is - how can I send my property value to window?
From where I can get "MyPropertyName" value?
Thank for any suggestions
I have a class:
public MyPropertyClass MyPropertyName //MyProperty
... //set, get
I create property editor and add to PropertyGrid.PropertyEditors :
PropertyEditor pe = new PropertyEditor();
pe.PropertyName = "MyPropertyName";
pe.PropertyType = typeof(MyPropertyClass);
pe.ValueTemplate = MyPropertyTemplate;
propertyGrid.SelectedObject = new EditableInPropertyGirdClass();
MyPropertyTemplate has a button
<Button Grid.Column="1" Click="Button_Click" />
After Click a button(Button_Click) I`d like show my own window to property edit.
Question is - how can I send my property value to window?
From where I can get "MyPropertyName" value?
Thank for any suggestions