Basic Tool tips are appearing in the top left hand corner of second screen not under the cursor on the current screen as expected. I'M running from VS2008 3.5 sp1 - Its odd as the sample browser does not do this
Any ideas - Note I'm using 120 DPI - something I have begun to notice is changing DPI is not handled well but its not happening on the browser example
[Modified at 11/16/2008 06:04 PM]
[Modified at 11/16/2008 06:20 PM]
Basic Tool tips are appearing in the top left hand corner of second screen not under the cursor on the current screen as expected. I'M running from VS2008 3.5 sp1 - Its odd as the sample browser does not do this
Any ideas - Note I'm using 120 DPI - something I have begun to notice is changing DPI is not handled well but its not happening on the browser example
[Modified at 11/16/2008 06:04 PM]
[Modified at 11/16/2008 06:20 PM]