You probably did your own test so ...
What is really the maximum file size can we use when activate highlinting, intellisense, collapsing region ? (I assume for having a "normal" memory occupation)
For me (in debug), the application, when launched, takes 45Mo.
When opening a new MDIChild which contains a syntaxeditor, 48Mo.
Same thing but opening a file (300o), 49Mo.
Put 10000 lines, up to 65Mo. (hightlinthing, region activated)
So if I do it again, when I opened a 10000 lines file, I take 13Mo more (200ko)
Oh ! just now, I do a "select all", then I more the cursor down and 99% proc,
my application stop ...
Yeah, think I found a bug: Create a file with 10000 lines and all options activated,
do a "select all" a then a "copy". Here, my application freeze.
So, It's already to long <IMG SRC="smile.gif" border="0">, my question is, will syntaxeditor will be improved on order to manage better big files ? It's not possible to open a more then 2Mo file I think ? Maybe it's a problem with my configuration ... can others said me what is the memory behaviour for them ?
Thanks and sorry for this too long post !