
Navigation for WPF Forum

Posted 16 years ago by Owen Christensen - Software Engineer, Minitab Inc.
Version: 4.5.0484
We're trying to set up the NavigationBar to more closely resemble Access'07; rather than having the navigation buttons at the bottom, it's a ComboBox with the currently available panes in the drop-down. This is to be in a View-Presenter fashion. It looks like the only way to do this though would be to set a style on each of our Navigation Pane types setting the HeaderTemplate to null and the Header to a ComboBox whose ItemsSource is set when we add the pane to the Items of the Bar. Is there a way to just set the NavigationBar Header once rather than in every Pane?

Comments (1)

Posted 16 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Hi Owen,

The Access sort of UI should be possible to achieve using NavigationBar however it would require some custom styles. At a glance, the best way would probably be to redefine the NavigationBar template to have a fixed ComboBox (or button that shows a popup menu) in the header and populate that with the items of the NavigationBar. That would probably be better than having a new ComboBox swap in for each selection change, but your way may work too.

We'll add this to our TODO list although since it is a larger request timewise, we'll have to prioritize it. If you need it done immediately, then please contact us via email to discuss contracting us to do the work.

Otherwise if you are already a WPF Studio customer, we can share the XAML source for the styles and templates of the control with you and you can give it a shot yourself.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.2) was released 3 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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