Creating a word processor

SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms Forum

Posted 16 years ago by Nassim Farhat
Version: 4.0.0276
Hello ActiPro team,

I recently purchased a license for Actipro SyntaxEditor Control (for Windows Forms). And one of my job is to use this control in order to create a simple
Word Processer with similar feature as a Rich Text Box Control and an easy to use tool bar that gives the user the following options to change the selected sections of text:
  • underline
  • make bold
  • italicize
  • right adjust text
  • center adjust text
  • left adjust text
  • undo/redo
  • change fonts
  • change selected text color
  • well... you get the idea.

    In any case, I am trying to edit the feel and look of the text on the fly! But I am under the impression that this might not be possible using this control since, from a different post I can read that "it would require a semantic parser to be plugged into my language definition that tells SyntaxEditor how to do outlining" But I am not trying to define a language, only to perform simple processing on text.

    Please let me know if I am on the right track, if not what should I be doing in order to accomplish what I want using SyntaxEditor Control (for Windows Forms) without using any other tools that you have in your WPF section.


    Comments (2)

    Posted 16 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
    Hi Nassim,

    Sorry but SyntaxEditor is not a word processing control such as an RTF editor. Instead it is intended for code editing, meaning that you lexically parse the text to tokenize it and the tokens provide the formatting. While you can do bold, italics, etc. those are driven programmatically via the lexical parsing. A control that allows users to change bold sections, alignment, etc. by pressing toolbar buttons is a completely different control type than SyntaxEditor. Unfortunately we don't offer any word processing controls at this time.

    Actipro Software Support

    Posted 16 years ago by gardea
    You would be better off with specialized controls. TX Text Control ( has a very resourceful component; Aspose.editor ( is yet another alternative – I am sure there are many others, these are just the ones I worked with/evaluated in the past.
    The latest build of this product (v24.1.1) was released 6 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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