Posted 16 years ago
by Paras Sanghani

I am having a main window in which there are three tool window. Is there any functionality that when one of the three tool window is auto hide or close, the other toolwindow remains in the same position as they were before closing of other tool window. i.e: As they were before the other window is auto hide or close. Means the tool window should remain in the same position and should not dock irrespective of the other tool window closing or auto hiding.
Exa: Suppose there are three Tool Window naming 1. Tool Window1 2. Tool Window2 3.Tool Window3. Now if the screen size is 1280 * 768.
Now they all are having the same width and height say suppose width = 426 , height =768. When the ToolWindow1 is closed or autohide then toolwindow2 will be having more
width then the original width and will try to dock towards left with the Toolwindow1 being auto hide or close. So can we make the ToolWindow2 and toolWindow3 as the fixed windows such that when toolwindow1 is closed or auto hide at that time the space of the toolwindow1 should remain blank and no docking in that space.
I am having a main window in which there are three tool window. Is there any functionality that when one of the three tool window is auto hide or close, the other toolwindow remains in the same position as they were before closing of other tool window. i.e: As they were before the other window is auto hide or close. Means the tool window should remain in the same position and should not dock irrespective of the other tool window closing or auto hiding.
Exa: Suppose there are three Tool Window naming 1. Tool Window1 2. Tool Window2 3.Tool Window3. Now if the screen size is 1280 * 768.
Now they all are having the same width and height say suppose width = 426 , height =768. When the ToolWindow1 is closed or autohide then toolwindow2 will be having more
width then the original width and will try to dock towards left with the Toolwindow1 being auto hide or close. So can we make the ToolWindow2 and toolWindow3 as the fixed windows such that when toolwindow1 is closed or auto hide at that time the space of the toolwindow1 should remain blank and no docking in that space.