[Modified at 06/24/2009 07:37 AM]
We are having the same issue with the StepModelEditbox, where you can't type a decimal without the leading zero. This is on an older build 0552. Have you fixed it in the most recent version?
Hello Angela,
Sorry but I'm not sure what StepModelEditBox is. Is that a custom control that your company made based on our framework? If you have a question about something like that in a custom control of yours, I'd recommend that you try with our latest version and see if it helps. You can always get the latest version from our web site.
Sorry about that, that's our wrapper around the RangeTypeSpecificEditBoxBase<decimal?>.
Hi Angela,
I tried it in our DoubleEditBox and you can type a decimal (without leading zero) and number and it will accept it.
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