First of all – your editors are awesome! Great Job!!
I’ve notice something that I’m not sure is a bug or a feature. Let’s say you place two editors in a stack
<editors:DoubleEditBox x:Name=”A” Value="3" />
<editors:Int32EditBox x:Name=”B” SpinnerVisibility="Visible" />
At run time, you click into “A” editor and type 4 (just to make the caret appear), now, while the B editor is showing “No value” click on that text -> that causes “No value” to change to *, however, the focus is still in editor “A” (caret is still blinking). This is the part I’m not sure is a bug or a feature – the way I use these editors, I need the focus to move to the clicked control (make the * highlited) and to achieve that, I subclass from DoubleEditBox and override OnPreviewMouseDown. Please let me know if that’s what I should be doing (this is a feature) or whether it’s a bug and will be changed (or maybe there is a way to get the focus on click, and I’ve just missed it)
protected override void OnPreviewMouseDown(System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e)
I’ve notice something that I’m not sure is a bug or a feature. Let’s say you place two editors in a stack
<editors:DoubleEditBox x:Name=”A” Value="3" />
<editors:Int32EditBox x:Name=”B” SpinnerVisibility="Visible" />
At run time, you click into “A” editor and type 4 (just to make the caret appear), now, while the B editor is showing “No value” click on that text -> that causes “No value” to change to *, however, the focus is still in editor “A” (caret is still blinking). This is the part I’m not sure is a bug or a feature – the way I use these editors, I need the focus to move to the clicked control (make the * highlited) and to achieve that, I subclass from DoubleEditBox and override OnPreviewMouseDown. Please let me know if that’s what I should be doing (this is a feature) or whether it’s a bug and will be changed (or maybe there is a way to get the focus on click, and I’ve just missed it)
protected override void OnPreviewMouseDown(System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonEventArgs e)