Posted 15 years ago
by Joachim Schwieren
Version: 4.0.0283
Platform: .NET 3.5
Environment: Windows Vista (32-bit)

due to the markup feature it is not only possible to format text in the intelliSense hint windows but also to use hyperlinks.
When the user clicks a hyperlink the
gets fired. BUT this only works if the hint window (to be more precise the hyperlink text in the hint window) is ON the SyntaxEditor.
If you have a SyntaxEditor with some code in it and the last line of the code is directly over the lower border of the control a hint window that popups up for some text in this line will be partially not on the control (which is fine so far); anyway when I click a hyperlink in the hint window that is not fully on the SyntaxEditor control the event handler does not get fired.
How can this be solved?
[Modified at 01/25/2010 05:07 AM]
due to the markup feature it is not only possible to format text in the intelliSense hint windows but also to use hyperlinks.
When the user clicks a hyperlink the
gets fired. BUT this only works if the hint window (to be more precise the hyperlink text in the hint window) is ON the SyntaxEditor.
If you have a SyntaxEditor with some code in it and the last line of the code is directly over the lower border of the control a hint window that popups up for some text in this line will be partially not on the control (which is fine so far); anyway when I click a hyperlink in the hint window that is not fully on the SyntaxEditor control the event handler does not get fired.
How can this be solved?
[Modified at 01/25/2010 05:07 AM]