I don t know how to define a token recognition for a text that looks like this "__variableA"
everytime i come to tokenize it I get "variableA" instead?
Can you help me to determine where and how i can change the token recognition pattern using dynamic language?
Also, I would like to trigger the _TriggerActivated event on every character typed (just liek VS studio). All i saw where examples of triggering with characters ex: ".", but I want to trigger on Character="Any typed character". Is this possible to achieve? Or should i just place my intelliprompt list generation code directly inside the keydown event?
Plus... can you give me more help on understanding PatternValues like the following :
"[\+\-]? {DigitMacro}+" LookAhead="{NonWordMacro}|\z"
Is there a document that can help me understandign this better because I cannot seem to find to many examples concerning this inside the SyntaxEditor.chm? So far, Wikipedia has been a good helper for regular expressions but maybe you know where the official info lies?
Thank you
[Modified at 01/29/2010 08:17 AM]