Posted 20 years ago by amadrias

I am meeting a strange problem with the evaluation version of the wizard control.

I didn't make anything special than adding the control on a form and creating a welcome page, a simple internal page to display a licence text and agreement radio buttons, and a User information internal page.

The problem occurs when I close the form. whatever I do, close the form by the top right cross button of the window, by calling the Close() method of the form when handling Cancel or Finish click button events, I always get this SEHException that ends my application. There is absolutely no Error Code supplied and the message is quite general: "an external component exception has occured".

I did a spy++ look on the process messages and it seems that the form tries to send an unknown message to the windows message loop... No other clue on what's going on.

I imagine that the problem is related to the control disposal but can't figure proof of it.

Oh, and the sample works properly... No way to reproduce the problem.

I did bought the control yesterday and I hope that this is just a known issue because I would feel really disapointed if it comes to deceive me...

I cry for help.


Philippe DA SILVA
aka Amadrias

Comments (2)

Posted 20 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
I believe that a SEHException is something that can only be caused by COM interop. We don't do any interop in Wizard and Wizard is completely native .NET code.

We have hundreds of Wizard customers and nobody else has reported an exception like that happening so I'm thinking it must be something you're doing in your application, perhaps calling in ActiveX components.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 20 years ago by amadrias
Thanks for this quick reply.

I have another hypothesis that came to my mind after several tests that I will get on. It is related to the use of another control I gathered from another company.
The latest build of this product (v24.1.1) was released 1 month ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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