Posted 20 years ago
by amadrias
I am meeting a strange problem with the evaluation version of the wizard control.
I didn't make anything special than adding the control on a form and creating a welcome page, a simple internal page to display a licence text and agreement radio buttons, and a User information internal page.
The problem occurs when I close the form. whatever I do, close the form by the top right cross button of the window, by calling the Close() method of the form when handling Cancel or Finish click button events, I always get this SEHException that ends my application. There is absolutely no Error Code supplied and the message is quite general: "an external component exception has occured".
I did a spy++ look on the process messages and it seems that the form tries to send an unknown message to the windows message loop... No other clue on what's going on.
I imagine that the problem is related to the control disposal but can't figure proof of it.
Oh, and the sample works properly... No way to reproduce the problem.
I did bought the control yesterday and I hope that this is just a known issue because I would feel really disapointed if it comes to deceive me...
I cry for help.
Philippe DA SILVA
aka Amadrias
I am meeting a strange problem with the evaluation version of the wizard control.
I didn't make anything special than adding the control on a form and creating a welcome page, a simple internal page to display a licence text and agreement radio buttons, and a User information internal page.
The problem occurs when I close the form. whatever I do, close the form by the top right cross button of the window, by calling the Close() method of the form when handling Cancel or Finish click button events, I always get this SEHException that ends my application. There is absolutely no Error Code supplied and the message is quite general: "an external component exception has occured".
I did a spy++ look on the process messages and it seems that the form tries to send an unknown message to the windows message loop... No other clue on what's going on.
I imagine that the problem is related to the control disposal but can't figure proof of it.
Oh, and the sample works properly... No way to reproduce the problem.
I did bought the control yesterday and I hope that this is just a known issue because I would feel really disapointed if it comes to deceive me...
I cry for help.
Philippe DA SILVA
aka Amadrias