I CircularGauge in interactive mode (CanDrag of the needle = true) and I'm trying to get a notification when the left mouse button is released. I've tried the MouseUp and MouseLeftButtonUp events on the Gauge control as well as the MouseUp and MouseLeftButtonUp events on the Needle control. Here is the Xaml I'm using (I've removed the non working event hook ups):Please also note that I was able to bind to the MouseLeave event without any difficulty.
Is there a way I can get notified when the left mouse button is released?
Thank you in advance.
[Modified at 03/23/2010 11:52 AM]
I CircularGauge in interactive mode (CanDrag of the needle = true) and I'm trying to get a notification when the left mouse button is released. I've tried the MouseUp and MouseLeftButtonUp events on the Gauge control as well as the MouseUp and MouseLeftButtonUp events on the Needle control. Here is the Xaml I'm using (I've removed the non working event hook ups):
<Gauge:CircularGauge BackgroundType="None" RimType="None" Width="196" Height="171">
<ACB:BehaviorBinding Event="MouseLeave" Command="{Binding ReleaseOutsideServiceKeySwitchCommand}" />
<!-- The line below doesn't work -->
<ACB:BehaviorBinding Event="MouseLeftButtonUp" Command="{Binding ReleaseOutsideServiceKeySwitchCommand}" />
<Gauge:CircularScale StartAngle="225" SweepAngle="90" IsBarVisible="False">
<Gauge:CircularTickSet Minimum="0" Maximum="2" MajorInterval="1" MinorInterval="1">
<Gauge:CircularTickLabelCustom Value="0" Text="C.L." FontSize="18" />
<Gauge:CircularTickLabelCustom Value="1" Text="0" FontSize="18" ScaleOffset="10" ScalePlacement="Inside" />
<Gauge:CircularTickLabelCustom Value="2" Text="S.O." FontSize="18" />
<Gauge:CircularPointerNeedle Value="{Binding ServiceKeySwitch, Mode=TwoWay, FallbackValue=1}" ImageSource="/VirtualTrain;Component/Images/Selector.png" NeedleType="CustomImage" CanDrag="True" IsSnappingEnabled="True" HasDropShadow="False" />
Is there a way I can get notified when the left mouse button is released?
Thank you in advance.
[Modified at 03/23/2010 11:52 AM]