BreadCrumb Styling Program

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Posted 14 years ago by illef - Dotnetxpert, Dotnetxpert
Version: 10.1.0522
Our customer want to customize actipro's BreadCrumb style.

Our design team had changed the Breadcrumb style by changing addtional Template properties.

However, template of some control in BreadCrumb cannot be changed.

1. How can I change the template of "BreadcrumbOverflowButton"?

2. How can I change the template of "PopupButton"?( it placed in right side of breadcrum and it used to open comboBoxItem. )

You can see 1,2 in the picture

3. How can I change the style of the menuItem's Panel?

4. How can I change the style of the comboBoxItem's Panel?

Comments (1)

Posted 14 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

1. You can use an implicit Style for the BreadcrumbOverflowButton. If you just want a single Breadcrumb control to be affected, you can just include it in the BreadcrumbResources. Otherwise you can put it in your application resources so it's applied to all Breadcrumb controls.

2. You may be able to create a Style for PopupButton that uses the key "{x:Static themes:BreadcrumbCommonDictionary.EditingButtonStyleKey}" (and place it in Breadcrumb.Resources or somewhere up stream from the Breadcrumb). If that doesn't work, you'd need to restyle the entire Breadcrumb and alter the ControlTemplate as needed. You can take our default Styles and tweak them as needed, so you don't have to write them from scratch.

3. You should be able to create an implicit Style for ContextMenu like in #1. You could also add a handler for the PopupButton.PopupOpening event on the Breadcrumb control and set the PopupButton.PopupMenu.Style or ControlTemplate properties.

4. This is the same as #3, but you would use the key "{x:Static themes:BreadcrumbCommonDictionary.ComboBoxStyleKey}". Again, it's probably easier to take our default Styles and then tweak them. Depending on what changes you want to make, you may be able to use implicit Styles. For example, you can probably use an implicit Style for the ScrollViewer to alter the look of the scroll bars.

Hope this helps.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.2) was released 3 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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