Increasing line indent removes spaces in some cases which corrupts text layout.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Start SyntaxEditor SDI Editor Application
2. Type the following text in editor window:
<tab><space><space>my text1
<tab>my text2
So the layout is like this:
my text1
my text2
3. Select both lines. Press Tab.
4. The spaces in the first line were removed so the layout was modified (text became lined up which is incorrect).
Increasing line indent removes spaces in some cases which corrupts text layout.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Start SyntaxEditor SDI Editor Application
2. Type the following text in editor window:
<tab><space><space>my text1
<tab>my text2
So the layout is like this:
my text1
my text2
3. Select both lines. Press Tab.
4. The spaces in the first line were removed so the layout was modified (text became lined up which is incorrect).