Posted 20 years ago
by brianhal
I recently upgraded to the v3 Wizard and am running into a problem in the Visual Studio .NET designer. When I attempt to modify a class that inherits from an Actipro WizardPage class the designer does not render the controls I have placed on the form.
Basically, in our project, we have a class that inherits from ActiproSoftware.Wizard.WizardPage. We used to be able to go into the designer and add WinForm controls to it just as if it were a standard form. Now, we get a message that says:
"To add components to your class, drag them from the ServerExplorer or Toolbox and use the Properties window to set their properties. To create methods and events for you class, click here to switch to code view."
This is very easy to duplicate by just creating a new inherited class that inherits from ActiproSoftware.Wizard.WizardPage and you will see what I mean. With v2 you would have seen what looked like a WinForm in the designer. Now when you drag components from the tool box onto the class in the designer, you see them, but they are not rendered by the designer and you can't do anything useful with them in the designer.
I'm guessing this problem was introduced because the v2 WizardPage inherited from System.Windows.Forms.UserControl, while v3 inherits from ActiproSoftware.WinUICore.UIControl. However, this change breaks our old model of being able to create a new class that inherits from WizardPage.
We have need for a custom WizardPage class that contains some code common to most of our wizard pages that allows the getting and committing of data to/from a business object layer without having GUI/backend threading issues.
Is there a work around or recommendation for dealing with this type of problem in v3?
I recently upgraded to the v3 Wizard and am running into a problem in the Visual Studio .NET designer. When I attempt to modify a class that inherits from an Actipro WizardPage class the designer does not render the controls I have placed on the form.
Basically, in our project, we have a class that inherits from ActiproSoftware.Wizard.WizardPage. We used to be able to go into the designer and add WinForm controls to it just as if it were a standard form. Now, we get a message that says:
"To add components to your class, drag them from the ServerExplorer or Toolbox and use the Properties window to set their properties. To create methods and events for you class, click here to switch to code view."
This is very easy to duplicate by just creating a new inherited class that inherits from ActiproSoftware.Wizard.WizardPage and you will see what I mean. With v2 you would have seen what looked like a WinForm in the designer. Now when you drag components from the tool box onto the class in the designer, you see them, but they are not rendered by the designer and you can't do anything useful with them in the designer.
I'm guessing this problem was introduced because the v2 WizardPage inherited from System.Windows.Forms.UserControl, while v3 inherits from ActiproSoftware.WinUICore.UIControl. However, this change breaks our old model of being able to create a new class that inherits from WizardPage.
We have need for a custom WizardPage class that contains some code common to most of our wizard pages that allows the getting and committing of data to/from a business object layer without having GUI/backend threading issues.
Is there a work around or recommendation for dealing with this type of problem in v3?