Control focus problem and lost renderer properties

Wizard for Windows Forms Forum

Posted 20 years ago by Scotch - Las Vegas, NV
If I create a new form that is inherited from WizardDialogForm, the first wizard page does not get the focus. This can be seen just by running the test application and pressing TAB. The focus doesn't move between buttons or any other controls.

This problem does not appear to affect other pages, or even the first page after you have selected a control with the mouse.

My next problem is with the Render object. I've created a BaseWizardDialog class that inherits from WizardDialogForm. I did this for 2 reasons. First, I've got common parameters that need to be sent to the constructor of all my wizard instances. Second, to make development of each wizard instance easier, I set many of the wizard properties (ButtonFlatStyle, FormAcceptButton, etc.) in the base class and the decendents get those values by default. The one item that doesn't seem to work with decendents is the Renderer object. This is probably the most useful property to set as it contains the watermark images, etc. Do you know why I can't set a renderer in the base class and have it carry through to its decendents?



Comments (1)

Posted 20 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
We actually just identified and fixed the TAB issue for the next maintenance release. The problem seems to be a bug with the .NET framework with dealing with ContainerControls. What we do to get it to work is in the constructor of the Form, we set the form's ActiveControl property to the Wizard. That fixes it.

As for the renderer, you should be able to do that. Are you overriding the ResetRenderer and ShouldSerializeRenderer methods and returning your own renderer? Also, if you are, make sure the designers for your inherited forms haven't serialized another renderer and are setting it to the Renderer property in InitializeComponent. Let me know if this helps and if not, please throw together a small sample project that demonstrates the problem and we'll get it fixed for the next maintenance release.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.1) was released 24 days ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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