I want to show a sample text in the Summary area with FontFamily and FontSize bound to those properties on my object. I am definuing the PropertyGridPropertyItems in xaml, i.e. not using SelectedObject.
I try to set the SummaryTemplateSelector to a StaticResource containing my DataTemplateSelector which returns a DataTemplate with my sample text and athe appropriate bindings if the item is either the FontFamily or the FontSize property, otherwise I return null, the idea being that I will then get the default Summray, i.e. property name + description.
I get the error message:
System.Windows.Data Error: 24 : Both 'ContentTemplate' and 'ContentTemplateSelector' are set; 'ContentTemplateSelector' will be ignored. ContentPresenter:'ContentPresenter' (Name='')
I do not understand this. I am not setting a ContentTemplate anywhere...
Can someone shed light?
Amos W
I want to show a sample text in the Summary area with FontFamily and FontSize bound to those properties on my object. I am definuing the PropertyGridPropertyItems in xaml, i.e. not using SelectedObject.
I try to set the SummaryTemplateSelector to a StaticResource containing my DataTemplateSelector which returns a DataTemplate with my sample text and athe appropriate bindings if the item is either the FontFamily or the FontSize property, otherwise I return null, the idea being that I will then get the default Summray, i.e. property name + description.
I get the error message:
System.Windows.Data Error: 24 : Both 'ContentTemplate' and 'ContentTemplateSelector' are set; 'ContentTemplateSelector' will be ignored. ContentPresenter:'ContentPresenter' (Name='')
I do not understand this. I am not setting a ContentTemplate anywhere...
Can someone shed light?
Amos W