A few glitches with window activation

Docking/MDI for WPF Forum

Posted 15 years ago by SledgeHammer01
Version: 10.1.0522
Platform: .NET 4.0
Environment: Windows XP (32-bit)
We are using themed docking windows with the ribbon. Our code is modeled after the RibbonWindow with Docking demo. Here are a bunch of little nitpick bugs :) w/ the window activation behavior. All issues are reproducible with the sample.

Scenario #1 -- incorrect

1) Open RibbonWindow with Docking demo
2) Left mouse down on Document Outline window title bar

Note, the window is not activated til you mouse up

Scenario #2 -- incorrect

1) Open RibbonWindow with Docking demo
2) Left mouse down on Document Outline window tab

Note, the window is not activated til you mouse up

Scenario #3 -- correct

1) Open RibbonWindow with Docking demo
2) Left mouse down on Document Outline window tree control

Note, the window is activated when you mouse down

Scenario #4 -- incorrect

1) Open RibbonWindow with Docking demo
2) Select the Document2.rtf tab
3) Hilight some of the 'This document is read only text'
4) Click on the Document Outline window

You'll notice the Document2.rtf tab has been de-activated and the highlight removed

5) Now left mouse down on the tab

The tab is activated, but the window itself is not activated til you mouse up.

6) When you mouse up, the highlight returns

Going by what Visual Studio does (and Windows conventions), it seems like windows should be activated on the mouse down.

SIDE EFFECT -- incorrect

A side effect of the above issues is that the buttons on the title / caption bars do not work properly when the window is inactive

1) select / activate Document2.rtf
2) left mouse down on the Document Outline window title bar, specifically on the drop down arrow.

You'll notice, the context menu appears, but the button itself disappears

SIDE EFFECT #2 -- incorrect

1) select / activate Document2.rtf
2) left mouse down on the Document Outline window title bar, specifically on the auto-hide or close buttons -- DO NOT RELEASE MOUSE
3) Mouse off while holding down the button

You'll notice the buttons do not go to the active / off state. If you repeat steps 2 - 3 with the toolwindow active, you'll notice the active / off state is correct.

One thing I've noticed in Visual Studio is that they do not activate (or switch to) a window or tab if you mouse down on the auto-hide or close buttons. They only do that for the title bar itself & the drop down button. But they still do the active / off state without activating the window for the close & auto-hide.

Comments (3)

Posted 15 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

I believe Scenario #4 is actually a duplicate of #2, but not sure. You don't specify which "tab" should be selected in step 5. If it's the document tab for Document2.rtf, then it's the same issue as #2. If you are referring to another tab, please indicate which one.

We've marked down a TODO item for the remaining items, which we will try to address when we do the next round of Docking & MDI updates.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 15 years ago by SledgeHammer01
Hi, yes, its pretty much the same, that the windows are getting activated on mouse up rather then mouse down. Just wanted to point it out in case its different code.

[Modified at 06/25/2010 02:53 PM]
Posted 14 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA

We've corrected the issues you outlined in the upcoming release, due out in a week or so.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.4) was released 2 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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