Default size for rafted windows

Docking/MDI for WPF Forum

Posted 14 years ago by John Dunn
Version: 10.2.0532
Where does the default size for the rafted windows come from? In my application some windows get a default rafted window size of something close to 150x150. It appears as though this happens to windows that I add to the DockSite at runtime. Windows that are added before the DockSite is made visible have a different default size. Once the window is open, if I resize the raft it then remembers that if I dock it and reraft. Is there a way to configure the default raft size?

Comments (4)

Posted 14 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Hi John,

There is an attached property that indicates the floating/rafting size. By default, this is set to 200x200, but that includes the titlebar/borders. You can set this using DockSite.SetControlSizeForState(<your_tool_window>, <desired_size>, DockingWindowState.Floating). You may need to set the size on the ToolWindowContainer instead/also.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 14 years ago by John Dunn
I'm seeing something odd. If I add a new Document while my application is not maximized, when that Document is rafted it automatically has the correct default size ( which appears to be the size of the DocHost, which makes sense ). If I add a new Document while my application is maximized and then raft the window while still maximized the default size is 200x200.

I am able to reproduce this issue using the Docking & MDI features Demo. The following are some examples to try

1. Run Demo ( not maximized )
2. Add Document
3. Raft Document - size is correct

1. Run Demo
2. Maximize Demo
3. Add Document
4. Unmaximize Demo
5. Raft Document - size is correct

1. Run Demo
2. Add Document
3. Maximize Demo
4. Raft Document - size is not completely correct - looks like it's the pre-max Doc host size

1. Run Demo
2. Maximize Demo
3. Add Document
4. Raft Document - size is 200x200
Posted 14 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Hi John,

I tried running through your steps with the latest version, but did not see any of the issues you describe. Are you sure you are running the latest version?

Actipro Software Support

Posted 14 years ago by John Dunn
Sorry - I was using 0531, not 0532. It appears to be working correctly now. Thanks.
The latest build of this product (v24.1.2) was released 3 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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