I have the following layout structure defined for my application:
I use a document window which contains a splitcontainer to host four toolwindows (these tool windows are named "TopLeft","TopRight","BottomLeft" and "BottomRight" for example. The problem I realized now is, that as soon as you undock one of the tool windows, you are not able to redock it again to the position it used to be docked. For example if I undock "TopLeft" and put it some where else, I am not able to redock it back to the position within its original container (although I am able to dock it at any other location next to the document window, I cannot dock it back inside the document window).
The reason why I organized all toolwindows within a document window is that I want to enable the user to undock / redock all four toolwindows at once, but he should also be able to handle every toolwindow as a separate window.
Please see the following sample code to reproduce this behaviour:Is there any possibility for me to achieve the redocking inside the original splitcontainer (defining a different layout structure or use additional code for docking / redocking?)
Any help would be appreciated.
I have the following layout structure defined for my application:
I use a document window which contains a splitcontainer to host four toolwindows (these tool windows are named "TopLeft","TopRight","BottomLeft" and "BottomRight" for example. The problem I realized now is, that as soon as you undock one of the tool windows, you are not able to redock it again to the position it used to be docked. For example if I undock "TopLeft" and put it some where else, I am not able to redock it back to the position within its original container (although I am able to dock it at any other location next to the document window, I cannot dock it back inside the document window).
The reason why I organized all toolwindows within a document window is that I want to enable the user to undock / redock all four toolwindows at once, but he should also be able to handle every toolwindow as a separate window.
Please see the following sample code to reproduce this behaviour:
<docking:DockSite x:Name="dockSite" >
<docking:SplitContainer Orientation="Vertical" x:Name="MainAndLogContainer">
<docking:DocumentWindow x:Name="RenderViewsWindow" Title="Render Views">
<docking:SplitContainer x:Name="RenderViewsContainer" Orientation="Vertical">
<docking:SplitContainer Orientation="Horizontal">
<docking:ToolWindow x:Name="dockedTopLeft" Title="TopLeft">
<TextBlock />
<docking:ToolWindow x:Name="dockedTopRight" Title="TopRight">
<TextBlock />
<docking:SplitContainer Orientation="Horizontal">
<docking:ToolWindow x:Name="dockedBottomLeft" Title="BottomLeft">
<TextBlock />
<docking:ToolWindow x:Name="dockedBottomRight" Title="BottomRight">
<TextBlock />
Any help would be appreciated.