When I resize my wizard, the content in the WizardPagePresenter is somehow tied to size of the content from the previous page... which causes my scrollbars to not adjust properly.
I have created a sample project that demonstrates this behavior.
Steps to reproduce:
1) Click "Next" two times, until you get to the page titled "Table Page Two"
2) Make the height of the Wizard shorter by grabbing the bottom of the dialog and dragging up
3) Notice that the bottom of the scrollbar that appears on the table is obscured.
What is strange is if I resize when "Table Page One" is visible, then "Table Page Two" will resize up to that same height. This makes me think that the WizardPagePresenter's height is somehow using the height of the largest control.
Please Advise.
[Modified at 12/10/2010 04:17 PM]
[Modified at 12/10/2010 04:19 PM]
I have created a sample project that demonstrates this behavior.
Steps to reproduce:
1) Click "Next" two times, until you get to the page titled "Table Page Two"
2) Make the height of the Wizard shorter by grabbing the bottom of the dialog and dragging up
3) Notice that the bottom of the scrollbar that appears on the table is obscured.
What is strange is if I resize when "Table Page One" is visible, then "Table Page Two" will resize up to that same height. This makes me think that the WizardPagePresenter's height is somehow using the height of the largest control.
Please Advise.
<Window x:Class="WizardSizeProblem.WizardWindow1"
Width="600" MinHeight="450" SizeToContent="Height" ResizeMode="CanResize"
<wizard:Wizard x:Name="wizard" WindowTitleBehavior="PageTitle" WindowTitleBaseText="Wizard QuickStart" PageSequenceType="Stack">
<!-- This adds a single bar wipe transition -->
<shared:BarWipeTransition />
<wizard:WizardPage x:Name="welcomePage" PageType="Exterior"
Caption="Welcome to the My Wizard"
Description="Enter a description of your wizard here.">
<RowDefinition Height="*" />
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<TextBlock Grid.Row="1" TextWrapping="Wrap">To continue, click Next.</TextBlock>
<wizard:WizardPage x:Name="tablePage1"
Caption="Table Page One"
Description="This is a sample interior page that represents a step in your wizard."
Title="Interior Page">
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=NodesTableOne}"
HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Hidden" SelectionMode="Single"
CanUserAddRows="False" CanUserDeleteRows="False"
CanUserResizeRows="False" CanUserSortColumns="True"
RowHeaderWidth="17" RowHeight="25"
<wizard:WizardPage x:Name="tablePage2"
Caption="Table Page Two"
Description="This is a sample interior page that represents a step in your wizard."
Title="Interior Page">
ItemsSource="{Binding Path=NodesTableTwo}"
HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Hidden" SelectionMode="Single"
CanUserAddRows="False" CanUserDeleteRows="False"
CanUserResizeRows="False" CanUserSortColumns="True"
RowHeaderWidth="17" RowHeight="25"
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace WizardSizeProblem
public class WizardWindow1ViewModel
public WizardWindow1ViewModel()
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
NodesTableOne.Add(new TestObject(i.ToString()));
for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++) {
NodesTableTwo.Add(new TestObject(i.ToString()));
private List<TestObject> nodesTableOne;
public List<TestObject> NodesTableOne
if (nodesTableOne == null)
nodesTableOne = new List<TestObject>();
return nodesTableOne;
private List<TestObject> nodesTableTwo;
public List<TestObject> NodesTableTwo
if (nodesTableTwo == null)
nodesTableTwo = new List<TestObject>();
return nodesTableTwo;
public class TestObject {
public TestObject(string name)
this.Name = name;
public String Name { get; set; }
[Modified at 12/10/2010 04:19 PM]