Buttons on toolwindow tab

Docking/MDI for WPF Forum

Posted 14 years ago by Mary Fontana - Rudolph Technologies
I am using the options, auto-hide and close buttons for tool windows as in the "Buttons on selected tabs" demo.

I would like a maximize button and the other options/close button when you float the window.

To get the buttons on rafting window, I saw how the demo had a MyDockSite class to override CreateRaftingWindow.

Is there a way to not have the close/maximize on the rafting window in its own heading?

I would like the maximize button next to the close/options buttons. - and not have 2 close buttons.
Also the close button appears in the top rafting window header - even when close is not allowed.


[Modified at 05/25/2011 04:42 PM]

Comments (3)

Posted 14 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Hi Mary,

You would either have to hide the title bar by setting raftingWindow.TitleBarVisibility or use a custom Style/ControlTemplate for RaftingWindow to accomplish that.

One thing to keep in mind is if you have two ToolWindows docked side-by-side, then the maximize button should be on the title bar, as it doesn't apply to a single ToolWindow.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 14 years ago by Mary Fontana - Rudolph Technologies
I am using the window.TitleBarVisibility - so that I dont have both the title bar and the header (like in the "buttons on selected tabs" demo.

But I I would like to have the rafted window show the maximize/restore and optios/close button as in the features demo.
In the "Features external window" demo if I float one or more tool windows on the right there is a maximize options and close button (if the close is allowed)
In the "buttons on selected tabs" demo there are 2 close buttons.
Is there a way to have one title bar with the options button, close and maximize/restore buttons?

Another question on the "features external window" demo:
If you auto hide the tool windows. You cant see all of the tool window names on right - unless you resize the main window. I have an application where I have this problem. How do I make that list scrollable?

[Modified at 05/26/2011 01:32 PM]
Posted 14 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Hi Mary,

The Button on Selected Tabs QuickStart includes this code:
raftingWindow.TitleBarVisibility = RaftingWindowTitleBarVisibility.Visible;
That forces the associated RaftingWindow to always display it's titlebar, along with the maximize and close buttons. Unless you made changes to the sample, you should see the maximize button when floating a ToolWindow.

Normally, if a single group of ToolWindows is floated, the window's titlebar is hidden. Instead the ToolWindowContainer titlebar is used, which includes a maximize button. If you have two ToolWindows docked side-by-side, the the maximize button hidden from the ToolWindowContainer's titlebar and the RaftingWindow's titlebar is shown (which includes a maximize button).

Since the Button on Selected Tabs QuickStart hides the ToolWindowContainer's titlebar, we force the RaftingWindow's titlebar to always be displayed.

You can certainly add a maximize button to the tab, which uses the WindowCommands.Maximize routed command. You can see how the maximize button is rendered using our Default Styles. Just search for "maximizeButton".

Scrolling isn't currently supported in the auto-hide trays. You can right click to access the list of ToolWindows in a given tray. Or if you have a menu/ribbon you can provide access via items there.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.4) was released 3 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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