Hi Peter,
We don't yet have that for the WPF version but it is on the TODO list. Right now we're still working on finishing up the core automated IntelliPrompt features for the .NET Languages Add-on. Then we'll get into other remaining missing feature areas like this. But I can't yet say if it would be done in the next three months or not.
To do it yourself, you could harness the completion list to show the various available code snippets. Once one was selected and activated, you'd probably want to build a new language service implements some of the input-related event sink interfaces, like the ones that allow you to handle keyboard input. You could use that to trap keys like Tab to move between the field ranges. You could use a classification tagger to mark ranges of text where the various fields are, and then have an associated style for that classification type to color the backgrounds of those ranges.
If this is something you'd rather have us do immediately, you can email us to discuss consulting services where you pay us at an hourly rate to implement it. If you choose to do that, we'll make it one of our top new-development priorities to get it done for you and it will be part of the product going forward so we maintain it.