Checkbox next to property value

Grids for WPF Forum

Posted 13 years ago by Steve
Hi, we have purchased your property grid and we were using your property editors but we didn’t realise that they were an extra package to the Property Grid, so we’ve had to remove them. Now, even the simple text editor, has a check box next to it. I see that your editors have a CheckBoxVisibility="Hidden" option but can we turn this off for all editors as default?

Many thanks for any help you can give.


[Modified at 07/26/2011 11:12 AM]

Comments (3)

Posted 13 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Hi Steve,

I'm not exactly sure what you are referring to. The only property editors that we provide that include a CheckBox are the ones that leverage our Editors for WPF controls.

Of the default property editors that come with PropertyGrid for WPF, there is only 1 editor that uses a CheckBox. That property editor is bound to boolean types by default, and doesn't include any other controls (i.e it's just a CheckBox).

If this doesn't help please put together a small sample project that reproduces your issue and email it over then we can take a closer look. Be sure to remove any executables or change the extension of the zip file to ensure it gets past our email filters.

Actipro Software Support

Posted 13 years ago by Steve
Hi, thanks for getting back to me so fast. As a test I created a new usercontrol with your propertygrid and it worked. So I started to peel back our implementation which did contain a list of all the property editors we wanted to use (they all had the CheckBoxVisibility="Hidden") but after removing them we were just left with the following bit of Xaml.
 <propgrid:PropertyEditorsModifier x:Key="{x:Static propgrid:BuiltinEditors.PropertyEditorsModifierKey}">
                <propgrid:BrushPropertyEditor />

This is what is giving us square boxes (they may not have been checkbox) next to the Value items. Anyway if we remove the xaml it all looks and works fine. Any ideas?
Posted 13 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Hi Steve,

That property editor is intended to be used with Brushes only, but you are applying it to all properties. This editor will already be used by default for Brushes so there is no need to redefine it. Keep in mind that the BrushPropertyEditor in the PropertyGrid assembly is different than the one in the Editors assembly (the latter uses the BrushEditBox).

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.3) was released 1 month ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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