Drag CurrentStatementSpanIndicator arrow

SyntaxEditor for Windows Forms Forum

Posted 13 years ago by matteo
Version: 4.0.0289
Hi all, I create a CurrentStatementSpanIndicator in the margin of a line. Is there a way to drag that arrow and put it to another line like in Visual Studio debug mode?

Comments (1)

Posted 13 years ago by Actipro Software Support - Cleveland, OH, USA
Check out our Indicators QuickStart. That shows how you can use a ViewMouseDown event to see if you double-click on an indicator glyph. You could use similar logic for your scenario except don't check for double-click. When a mouse down occurs, capture the mouse and see if it starts to drag. In the mouse move event while dragging, use SyntaxEditor's hit-testing feature to see if it moves to another line.

We don't have anything built-in to do this but you can harness the mouse events and hit testing features to accomplish it.

Actipro Software Support

The latest build of this product (v24.1.1) was released 3 months ago, which was after the last post in this thread.

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