Posted 13 years ago
by keshav bansal

Can i restrict the area in the docksite for a tool window .
For Example:- Consider i have two tool windows(ToolWindow1,ToolWindow2) in the docking application and ToolWindow1 have a button .On clicking the button in the ToolWindow1,
another toolwindow should open and should be automatically docked in the right side Dockguide of the ToolWindow2 means toolwindow3 should be displayed in the right side dockguide of the toolwindow2.
Can i restrict the area in the docksite for a tool window .
For Example:- Consider i have two tool windows(ToolWindow1,ToolWindow2) in the docking application and ToolWindow1 have a button .On clicking the button in the ToolWindow1,
another toolwindow should open and should be automatically docked in the right side Dockguide of the ToolWindow2 means toolwindow3 should be displayed in the right side dockguide of the toolwindow2.