Hello, I am making my own custom Command Manager which uses in some parts the command manager of syntax editor.
Now, I connected to the following eventQ1-
But when items get added to my stack, I do not get triggered for this event. Am I missing something? Why isn't this event trigging?
If I obtain my change notifications, how can I succeed in retrieving the command that was added to the undo or redo stack and add this command to my custom CommandManager? I asked this because I noticed that the UndoableModificationStack class does not offer it's list of commands to the public.
I also noticed another event: Document_UndoRedoStateChanged
That event gives me some information concerning my undoredo operation and I do get trigged for it, the member e.Modification gives me some good information but what it does not do give me is all the details of the modification, ex: the RangeInfo etc... How can I obtain all the details of my undoredo stack operation?
thank you
[Modified at 02/07/2012 04:50 PM]
Now, I connected to the following event
Editor.Document.UndoRedo.UndoStack.CapacityChanged += ActiproUndoStack_CapacityChanged;
But when items get added to my stack, I do not get triggered for this event. Am I missing something? Why isn't this event trigging?
If I obtain my change notifications, how can I succeed in retrieving the command that was added to the undo or redo stack and add this command to my custom CommandManager? I asked this because I noticed that the UndoableModificationStack class does not offer it's list of commands to the public.
I also noticed another event: Document_UndoRedoStateChanged
That event gives me some information concerning my undoredo operation and I do get trigged for it, the member e.Modification gives me some good information but what it does not do give me is all the details of the modification, ex: the RangeInfo etc... How can I obtain all the details of my undoredo stack operation?
thank you
[Modified at 02/07/2012 04:50 PM]