OperatorKind Enum
Specifies the kind of an operator.
public enum OperatorKind
Name | Description |
Addition | An addition operator. |
BitwiseAnd | A bitwise AND operator. |
BitwiseOr | A bitwise OR operator. |
ConditionalAnd | A conditional AND binary operator. |
ConditionalOr | A conditional OR binary operator. |
Delete | An operator that deletes an object, an object's property, or an element at a specified index in an array. |
Division | A division operator. |
ExclusiveOr | A bitwise XOR operator. |
GreaterThan | A greater than operator. |
GreaterThanOrEqual | A greater than or equal operator. |
In | An operator indicating if a property is in an object. |
InstanceOf | An operator indicating if an object is of the specified type. |
LeftShift | A left shift operator. |
LessThan | A less than operator. |
LessThanOrEqual | A less than or equal operator. |
Modulus | A modulus operator. |
Multiplication | A multiplication operator. |
Negation | A negation operator. |
None | No valid operator kind. |
OnesComplement | A bitwise complement operator. |
PostDecrement | An post-decrement operator. |
PostIncrement | An post-increment operator. |
PreDecrement | An pre-decrement operator. |
PreIncrement | An pre-increment operator. |
RightShift | A right shift operator. |
StrictValueEquality | A strict value equality operator. |
StrictValueInequality | A strict value inequality operator. |
Subtraction | A subtraction operator. |
TypeOf | An operator that returns a string indicating the type of the unevaluated operand. |
ValueEquality | A value equality operator. |
ValueInequality | A value inequality operator. |
Void | An operator that specifies an expression to be evaluated without returning a value. |
ZeroFillRightShift | A zero fill right shift operator. |